Thera-Clean Micro Bubble System for dogs
The #1 system is now being offered at Designer Dogs and Cats
What are micro bubbles?
Simply speaking, micro bubbles are tiny bubbles . To be a micro bubble, they must be less than 1000 micrometers in size. The Thera-Clean system creates millions and millions of bubbles that range from 3-20 micro meters. To put this into perspective, a human hair is 70 micrometers in size and most bacteria is between 3-40 micrometers in size. This is perfect penetrating hair follicles and skin pores while not passing through the epidermis.
The Thera-Clean® System – using simple tap water — uniformly generates Microbubbles, which are just water and air, that range from 3 to 20 micrometers. This allows our Microbubbles to penetrate hair follicles and pores – but not pass through the epidermis, or skin surface – to deep clean.
The size of a pore is (30μ m =30/1,000mm) and the size of a micro bubble
is (20μ m= /1000-20/1,000mm).

Powerful, gentle deep cleaning action
(A) The Thera-Clean® System generates Microbubbles with a slight negative charge.
(B) This attracts positively charged molecules of dander, sebum and other organic matter such as dirt, yeast or bacteria — and even allergens — that can lodge on the hair follicle or clog a pore. The organic matter adheres to the microbubble, which whisks it away.
Unlike pressurized cleaning systems, Thera-Clean’s water flow is gentle. No soap, shampoo, chemicals or abrasives are needed. Pets simply sit in a tub with a soft stream of Microbubble-infused water and the Microbubbles do all the work. A thorough cleansing takes only fifteen minutes.
Some Microbubbles actually oscillate and implode from increased water pressure, generating significant energy that aids in dislodging the organic waste from the follicle – or unclogging the pores. In fact, as the bath progresses that energy will warm the water.
Check out these Before and After pictures
What is the Thera-Clean difference?
This is not your typical bath. It is a Thera-Clean therapy bath. A bath that not only deep cleans the hair of
your pet but more importantly it deep cleans the skin using nothing but micro bubbles. Dirt accumulated
inside the pores is one of the causes of bad odor. To ensure an even deeper clean, we add an all natural
plant enzyme that helps loosen the dirt and debris that is stuck on the skin wall that we can’t see. No
soaps, shampoos or any chemicals of any kind are used in this process. It is completely hypo allergenic.
When pets are experiencing allergies or skin sensitivities, the avoidance of soaps, surfactants and
chemicals can prove extremely beneficial. A Thera-Clean bath reduces odor, reduces itching, ensures no
additional skin irritation and improves results of other skin therapies that your groomer or veterinarian may
be recommending.
How do microbubbles compare to medicated shampoos?
Micro bubbles work on a much deeper level than any soaps or shampoos. They offer a whole new concept
of clean skin. This means the micro bubble therapy will enhance the efficiency of any other form of
“treatment”. Any medication whether administered in the form of a shampoo or orally will function much
better due to improved pore and hair follicle condition. This is why the system is being used so extensively
in veterinarian hospitals in Japan.
How will my pet respond to the Thera-Clean bath?
Thera-Clean is gentle on your pet and an enjoyable experience for them. Did you know that pets also have
a lot of stress just like you and I by living in a variety of environments? The Thera-Clean bath will ease the
stress by negative ionized air and a synergy effect of the all natural plant enzyme. Thera-Clean therapy is
perfectly safe and can be used daily if necessary.
For more information check out the Thera-clean website:
Your pet’s Thera-Clean Microbubble bath opened it’s pores and they now need to be protected against whatever is causing the skin problem.
Below are a few tips to guide you towards healthy skin.
• It starts with food. Listen to your veterinarian/groomer’s advice on suggesting a proper diet for your pet.
• Obtain a barrier between your pet’s skin (eg. T-Shirt). We find this type of barrier acts as
a bandage so whatever is causing your pet’s skin conditions, such as allergens, the barrier
protects the pores against those triggers while your pet’s skin heals.
• Clean bedding – Your pet’s bedding may be one of the triggers that is causing their skin condition. Please make sure that your pet’s bedding is cleaned on a regular basis and that your pet is not allergic to
whatever you choose to clean it’s bedding with.

• Find out all allergies your pet may have.
The more you know the easier this will be for
everyone – your groomer, your pet(s) and yourself.
• Your pet may have allergies to outside environmental
triggers. eg. grass, pollens, seasonal air pollutants
Avoid these triggers as much as possible while your
regular Thera-Clean Microbubble bath helps improve
your pet’s skin.
• Stay on schedule with your groomers/veterinarian’s
suggested Thera-Clean Microbubble baths. Skipping
or ignoring these baths will only prolong your pet’s
current skin condition.